Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Crafty Side: Texas Flags

Texas My Texas

After gathering all the pictures of the different Texas Flags, I've made, it hit me that I might be a little obsessed with the whole idea. Geeze, I didn't realize how many things I've done, with the whole flag theme. Now, I am not going to say I'll never make another Texas Flag project...but, seriously, get a new gig lady!

Here they are, in all their glory:

I wanted to do something rustic and Texas for our family playhouse a.k.a. "The Barn". We had quite a bit of unused 1" x 4" boards left from doing the walls. I don't like to throw things away...I can always find a use for them. So, I came up with this idea to create a Texas flag for our gameroom.

I have since made 3 flags, and have been asked to create several more for friends. The last one I donated to our local VFD auction, and it surprisingly brought in over $200! I am thrilled that someone would actually pay money for my flag, and that it raised some much-needed funds for our small Volunteer Fire Dept.

Here are the step-by-step pictures of the auction flag:

Here's a little rug I crocheted for the Bunkhouse in the Barn. I bought 2 yds each of bargain fabric, in red, off white, and blue. Then I tore the fabric into 1" wide strips. I tied the strips together, end-to-end, and created a ball of fabric "thread" similar to a ball of yarn. I used a very large crochet hook, and started making rectangles. I honestly did this all by look, and feel...so no specific instructions. This picture doesn't look very square...but it is, I promise! :)

Also for the bunkhouse, I created a rustic tin flag, out of some left-over material we had from the ceilings in our barn:

And lastly, I created a Texas Sized shower curtain for our rustic bathroom. The ceiling in the room is 10' tall. The shower is 6' wide. I cut out the star from the top section, and then stitch-witched the white material to the back of the opening. I then frayed the edges of the blue fabric opening, and also the edges of the two bottom panels (red and white). I used very cheap rope from the local hardware store for the tie-backs. For curtain rods, I have begun using 1/2" metal conduit from the hardware store. It is extremely sturdy (no sagging from heavy material), comes in 10' lengths and can be cut easily with a metal saw blade. It is also very cheap. I needed 3 rods for this bathroom project: 1 for the top blue panel, 1 for the 2 bottom panels, and 1 for the clear shower curtain inside the 2 bottom panels. In order to make the the clear shower liner, I bought clear plastic tablecloth material from walmart. The plastic was 42" wide, so I used 2 panels 72" long. I then used small metal curtain rings that clipped to the top of the plastic panels. The small rings simply slide onto the metal conduit curtain rod.

Okay, I think that's it for my Texas Flag creations! Well, until I can come up with something else...haha

Till Next Time...

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